This Episode:​ The “Gratitudisation” of Independent Retail

Lately I have been thinking about the idea of practicing gratitude like a verb. It’s easy to become frustrated by customers that come into your store just to look or team members that aren’t doing exactly what you’d like them to do, but what if you changed your mindset to gratitude?

Those customers are still in your store, the first step to any sale is getting someone in the door. Just because they aren’t buying now doesn’t mean that you aren’t planting a seed for a loyal customer in the future. Be actively grateful for those customers and be actively grateful for your team members who are showing up and trying their best. Tell them that you’re thankful for them and get specific! I truly believe this mindset shift and practice of “gratitudisation” will accelerate your happiness and ignite the rule of reciprocity.

What are your thoughts on this practice? Put them in the comments below, and I’ll see you next week.