
Welcome to my blog! In this video series, you’ll learn simple, straightforward and tested strategies and tactics to help you run a better business, have more fun and make more money.

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Real Retail TV Episodes:

The Talent Trap

What’s the ‘Talent Trap’? Talent is something that comes naturally, but in retail, it’s easy to get comfortable relying on it. The ‘trap’ happens when we stop growing beyond those natural abilities. While talent can get you started, it’s the skills you develop that will really move you forward.

2024 Holiday Forecast

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I will share with you my official forecast for the 2024 holiday season and, of course, pass on a couple of tips to help you make it the best it can be.

A Philosophy to Drive Your Business Forward

The rule of reciprocity is something independent retailers can hang their hats on. It’s something the big box stores can’t compete with. It’s all about creating an incredible experience for your customers—a human experience. Every time you host an incredible event or help your customer find the perfect purchase, you are making a deposit in their emotional bank account that will pay back in loyalty tenfold.

Knowing When To Step Away From Your Store

Knowing when it’s time to close or sell your business can be just as important as the day you decided to open it. And selling doesn’t mean you’ve failed, it actually shows great insight. It takes real awareness to recognize when it’s time to move on to the next chapter in life.

What To Do When Sales Are Slow

Earlier this week in our WhizBang! Retailers Facebook group, there was a discussion about slow sales and being down from last year. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’ll cover what you should focus on when business feels sluggish.

Turning Good Deeds Into Great Profits

For this special 300th episode, I’m taking a trip down memory lane, all the way back to the very first Real Retail TV episode. WhizBang! Cause Marketing is the ideal solution for handling those frequent donation requests, allowing you to create a win-win relationship between your store and a nonprofit.

Your Indie Influence Matters

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m excited to share my opening keynote from the 2024 Retail Success Summit! I genuinely hope it leaves you feeling inspired and proud of the incredible impact you make in the world as an independent retailer.

The Curse Of Brick & Mortar Retail

Do you know about the curse of brick and mortar retail? The good news is, it’s a curse that is easily broken. You can have a beautiful store with all of the right merchandise, but if your customer service is lacking, then you won’t be as successful as you could be.

Fine-Tune Your Store’s Marketing Strategy

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m diving into marketing strategy, not just the tactics or ideas, but the big-picture approach that makes all your marketing efforts come together smoothly.

Start Running Your Store On Easy Mode

In this Real Retail TV replay, I’m taking it back to basics. Running a store successfully requires foundational skills. Passion for your products alone isn’t enough. I learned this firsthand with my own store, the Mackinaw Kite Company.

Do Politics Belong In Retail?

In today’s Real Retail TV episode, we dive into a hot topic: Should retail entrepreneurs voice their political views or stay quiet during these divisive times? It’s a crucial discussion for anyone in the retail business, and I’m excited to share my thoughts with you.

How To Relax

When you think of relaxing, it might not seem like something you need to work at. However, especially for retail entrepreneurs, it’s essential to view relaxation as a daily practice. By associating relaxation with specific triggers, you can turn it into a habit, allowing you to find moments to unwind and think more clearly throughout your day.

Key Details That Can Make Or Break Your Promotion

In any promotion, there are tons of crucial details that can make a big difference in it’s success. It’s your job as a marketer to understand these different components to make sure you’re optimizing for great results.

3 Ways You’re Losing Customers

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I explore three reasons you might be losing customers. In retail, expectations are up and loyalty is down. It’s important to create a smooth and easy shopping experience for your customers to keep them close and coming back.

Essential AI Tools For Retailers

AI has become an invaluable tool for busy retailers, and it’s only getting better! In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m sharing a highlight from last year’s Retail Success Summit, showcasing some of the top ways AI is being used by retailers today. AI has advanced even further since then, and we’re thrilled to be featuring a dedicated panel at this year’s Summit to dive deeper into how entrepreneurs can leverage this game-changing technology.

5 Unfiltered Truths From Summit Speakers

In this special episode of Real Retail TV, Susan and I dive into five important insights shared by our speakers at the Summer Summit Kickoff.

Ways to WOW ‘Em: Part 2

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m excited to present part two of the popular Retail Success Summit session, “Ways to Wow ‘Em.” In this clip, you’ll discover insights about the second half of the customer service pyramid and learn how to put the cherry on top of an exceptional customer experience.

Ways to WOW ‘Em: Part 1

We have an exciting treat for you over the next few weeks! At the WhizBang! Office, we’ve declared June as Retail Success Summit month as we gear up for the big event in July! This week and next, I’ll be sharing clips from a popular session from last year’s summit titled “Ways To Wow ‘Em.”

Turn Retail Chaos Into Cool Control

Entrepreneurship can often be chaotic, but with the right structures in place, you can transform that chaos into cool, calm, and collected control. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share four key structures to help you create a more organized retail business.

3 Types Of Retailers

The type of retailer you decide to be will play a big role in your business success. As an independent brick-and-mortar retailer, you have the unique advantage of choosing your path and becoming the go-to store in a world full of options.

Making Deposits In The Emotional Bank Account

Are you making deposits in your customers’ emotional bank accounts? Every time you ask for something from a customer, it’s like making a withdrawal. That’s why it’s vital to balance it out with actions that add value, effectively making a deposit in their emotional bank account.

My Conversation With A Successful Store Owner

In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re changing things up a bit. It’s a slightly longer interview format but I guarantee that if you watch it, you will walk away with ideas you can use in your business.

Insights From My Favorite Store

In this Real Retail TV replay, I share some invaluable insights from one of my favorite stores in the retail world, Zingerman’s Delicatessen. There are quite a few things that set this place apart.

My #1 Counterproductive Productivity Tip

Boosting productivity sometimes involves unexpected methods. Instead of rushing for a new planner, time management tricks, or apps, consider the power of being in the moment. Being present enhances focus, naturally ramping up productivity and efficiency.

Your Indie Influence

You have more influence than you might realize. Indie retailers like you have a profound impact on their communities, their employees, and even the broader world. Your store offers an experience that is a true gift, and that’s exactly what our upcoming Retail Success Summit is all about – celebrating your indie influence!

What Is Really Driving Buying Decisions?

Every purchase is more than just a transaction—it’s a decision fueled by emotion. Customers aren’t just buying things; they’re investing in the experiences and emotions tied to your brand. Understanding and leveraging these emotional connections can transform your business and make your team more effective on the floor.

Triple Your Sales With One Promotion

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I explore one of my favorite promotions from the Retail Mastery System. Recently, in our WhizBang! Retailers Facebook group, we ran a poll asking retailers how much this single promotion increased their Saturday sales. More than half of the respondents said that the Fifth Saturday promotion tripled their sales compared to a regular Saturday!

One Word To Fuel Your Week

Entrepreneurship means tackling challenges head-on, embracing change, and staying focused on your vision. The most successful retailers do this with calmness and patience, viewing setbacks as growth opportunities and obstacles as chances to innovate. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I explore the single word that embodies this mindset and discuss how you can embrace it.

Creating A Strong, Positive, & Consistent Brand

Ensuring your brand aligns with your store’s identity is more important than ever. Your brand is experienced across various touchpoints—your website, social media, print materials, packaging, and more. It’s the thread that weaves these experiences into a cohesive image, creating a positive and memorable experience for customers.

Firing Customers Without Burning Bridges

The customer isn’t always right. While I strongly advocate for a customer-focused approach, there are times when you may need to part ways with a customer. It’s important to recognize when a customer is causing significant emotional strain, making it necessary to end the relationship.

Inspiring High Performance From Your Team

The better your team’s selling skillset, the more revenue you’ll generate. And by leveraging sophisticated statistics, you can effectively drive high performance in your retail team. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I delve into four critical statistics you should focus on in your ongoing coaching.

The Top 3 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Team

The top three mistakes you’re making with your team revolve around training. . Properly equipping your employees for success not only boosts sales and customer satisfaction but also fosters confident, loyal team members.

Precision = Performance

When you’re training your team, it’s crucial to be precise and use language that focuses on specific behaviors. This eliminates any room for misinterpretation. Your idea of cleaning a window might not match your employee’s, so it’s essential to be clear and not just instruct them on what to do, but how to do it.

The Heartbeat Of Your Street

As an independent retailer, you have a major impact on your community, employees, and economy. With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, I’m sending you some love via Real Retail TV to remind you of just how important you are. Keep up the fantastic work! You are awesome!

Engage Your Team- Ask, Discuss, Decide

Tap into your team’s unique brilliance with this tried-and-true strategy! Your team members want to have a voice and feel empowered to actively participate in important decisions. Involve your team in the decision-making process using the A.D.D. model: ask, discuss, decide.

Working In Your Business vs. On Your Business

This is a great piece of advice that I got from my friend, Chris Knight: “In the beginning of your business, the more you do, the more you make, but there comes a time in your business where the more you think, the more you make.” You can’t think and do at the same time. Investing time outside of your business to acquire new skills will boost your wisdom and empower you to make substantial, game-changing decisions for your retail store.

You’re Better Than Your Comfort Zone

It’s true! You are better than your comfort zone, and you owe it to yourself to expand it. As a store owner, you are already doing big things. To build the kind of business you deserve, you have to keep thinking of ways to grow.

Your Word Of The Year For 2024

This year, my guiding word is “choice.” I believe in the power of intentional decisions to shape our paths. Each day is an opportunity to make choices that lead to self-improvement and positive momentum. Embrace the idea that you always have the freedom to make a choice that can steer you toward a better you.

New Year, Fresh Habits – Break Free from Selling with Financial Tunnel Vision

It’s a new year, and it’s time to get a fresh start by breaking bad habits. One mistake I see retailers make repeatedly is selling with financial tunnel vision, or, as I like to call it, selling out of their own pocket. It’s important to recognize that everyone has a different price point they’re comfortable shopping at, and your perfect purchase is not necessarily your customer’s perfect purchase.

Step-by-Step, Down & Dirty Planning Process

This encore presentation of Real Retail TV revisits the ‘down and dirty’ planning process. While this episode may be a rerun, the planning insights I share remain as relevant and indispensable as ever for 2024. Embrace this quick and effective planning method to conquer your to-do list for the upcoming year.

A Quick Holiday Message From Bob…

Congratulations on your hard work during this busy season! Now, it’s time to unwind and bask in the joy of the holidays. Susan, myself, and our team extend warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a thriving 2024!

A Holiday Mantra For More Joy, Fun, & Money!

The holidays are filled with craziness, especially for retail store owners. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I unveil a mantra that has significantly improved my days. It’s remarkable how a simple mantra and intention setting can positively impact your mood and peace of mind.

One Marketing Tip Every Retailer Should Know

If I could offer one marketing tip to every retailer I know, it would be to create a marketing book. Not only can a marketing book help you document what’s working and what’s not, but it can also add value to your business when the time comes to sell it or pass it along to the next generation. Approaching your marketing with intentionality leads to perpetual improvement.

The Retailer’s Time System For Productivity

When I owned Mackinaw Kite Company, I developed the Retailer’s Time System to increase my productivity. I was frustrated that the things that needed to get done weren’t getting done, and I realized it was because I wasn’t blocking out my time appropriately. With the Retailer’s Time System, I was able to become more present, have more fun in my business, and ultimately get more done without constant distractions.

6 Different Types Of Promotions & Events

A full promotions calendar keeps your customers engaged and excited to shop with you again and again! When done right, it can help you stand out, drive traffic, and boost sales! Many people make the mistake of associating promotions with discounts, but you don’t always have to offer discounts to have a successful promotion.

6 Reasons You Should Do More Promotions

The best retailers have a full calendar of exciting events and promotions. Promotions not only boost your sales by encouraging more transactions per customer, but also set you apart from the impersonal big box stores. Hosting events also fosters a sense of community and engages your customers, leading to lifelong customer loyalty.

Boost Your Holiday Sales With Online Listings

Did you know that your store information is likely showing up on more than 60 websites and platforms? And if you’re not updating those listings, they are likely to show inaccurate store information like the wrong address, phone number, or website. Boosting your sales this holiday season could be as simple as making sure your listings are accurate and up to date.

Holiday Success Checklist For Store Owners

Preparation is the key to success. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I dive into a handy checklist that will ensure store owners have the best holiday season ever. Don’t forget to prepare your staff, merchandise, and marketing efforts for the festive rush!

The Ultimate Loyalty Program For Retailers

The holiday season is fast approaching, making this the ideal moment to ensure your loyalty program is ready. With the holiday rush, you can expect an influx of new customers at your store. A well-crafted loyalty program like the 6-Box Program can be instrumental in transforming these one-time shoppers into lifelong customers!

The ONLY 3 Ways To Grow Your Retail Business

If you do a Google search on how to grow a retail business, you’ll find numerous strategies, thoughts, and tactics. However, there are really only three fundamental ways to grow your store. Once you understand this concept you’ll be able to make more thoughtful decisions on what ideas to implement to achieve the best results.

Why The Numbers Don’t Matter

In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to explore why the numbers don’t matter! When I say that the numbers don’t matter, I don’t mean that in a literal sense. What I’m suggesting is emotionally detaching yourself from the numbers.

Retail Pricing 101- 3 Easy Ways To Boost Profits

When you learn how to strategically price your merchandise, big things happen! Even minor adjustments can have a significant impact on your overall profitability.  In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll discover the three timeless rules for profitable retail pricing that we teach in the Assortment Planning module of the Retail Mastery System.

The Transformative Power Of A Single Idea

As an independent retailer, it’s easy to get stuck in the habit of thinking small. I get it, you’re busy and there is no shortage of small tasks that need to be completed every day. But it’s so important to take a step back and carve out time to work ON your business instead of in your business. You never know what great idea from an event, book, podcast, etc. could have a profound impact on the success of your store. I like to think of it as the lifetime value of an idea.

5 Types Of Retail Promotions to Fill Your Calendar

The most successful retailers have a wide range of promotions and events throughout the year to attract customers to their stores. It’s not always necessary to offer discounts; there are many other types of promotions that can be effective without lowering prices. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I will discuss the five different types of promotions that every retailer should be aware of in order to keep their calendars full.

Maximize Your Margins – 4 Ways To Make More Money

As an independent retailer, being savvy about maintaining, and increasing your margins is a critical part of running your business. In this episode, you’ll discover four strategies to make more money by significantly increasing your margins.

Revolutionize Your Hiring Approach With This Untapped Tactic

There’s no doubt that finding and hiring great people has become more difficult over the past few years. That’s why it is so important to try new and creative approaches when it comes to recruiting. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’ll share one of my favorite hiring tactics that has been proven to work time and time again.

The Single Most Important Concept In Retail Management

If you struggle with getting your team members to do what you want them to do, this episode of Real Retail TV is for you. A non-negotiable standard is defined as a standard to which everybody adheres to in exchange for their paycheck. Once you set a handful of standards and enforce them, it will naturally become a part of your store culture.

Kissing Frogs On Your Quest For Retail Success

Sometimes running a retail store is a lot like kissing frogs to find your prince. Whether it’s your team members, lawyer, or accountant, it’s important to take the time to find the best fit for the job.

The Gratitudisation of Independent Retail

Lately I have been thinking about the idea of practicing gratitude like a verb. It’s easy to become frustrated by customers that come into your store just to look or team members that aren’t doing exactly what you’d like them to do, but what if you changed your mindset to gratitude?

Mastering The Art Of Managing Your Team

Having owned a retail business for almost two decades, I am well aware of the frustrations people face when their employees fail to meet their expectations. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I will break down the reasons behind this behavior and offer practical solutions to address it.

Summer Reading Strategy For Entrepreneurs

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share my fun and relaxed approach to vacation reading, and trust me, it’s a game-changer. This strategy allows me to unwind and recharge while opening up a world of inspiration.

The Good Chicken Rule

The Good Chicken Rule comes from the idea of starting with good ingredients to make a great recipe. Making a great chicken dish starts with having good chicken, just like building a great team starts with hiring people who are an ideal fit.

How To Build A Business You Love

Building a retail business you truly love starts with the end in mind. When you have a specific vision for what you want your future to look like, it becomes easier to fill in the steps that it will take to get there.

The Piña Colada Principle

There is always something retailers can do to drive traffic. You simply have to think creatively and employ what I’m calling, The Piña Colada Principle.

From Shopkeeper To Pro: Navigating The Retailer’s Journey

To ensure you know where you’re headed, it’s necessary to have a clear understanding of where you’re at. That’s why it’s so important to know where you land on your retailer’s journey. If your goal is to progress to the next level, you’ll need to equip yourself with the essential tools and strategies required to get there. No matter what stage you’re in, self-development is key. You cannot grow as a business owner if you’re not growing as a person.

Do The Things The Big Brands Can’t Or Won’t Do

I could tell you hundreds of stories about independent retailers doing extraordinary things. So what makes these stories so powerful? It’s because these retailers are doing the things the big brands and big box retailers can’t or won’t do.

The Horrible Hot Sauce Conundrum

Recently I went to the grocery store and decided to try a new hot sauce. I brought it home and it was horrible! So here’s my conundrum… What do you do with the things in your life that are no longer serving you? Do you leave them to take up space or clear them out to make room for something new?

3 Pillars Of Retail Success

After 40+ years working in the independent retail space, I believe these three pillars are necessary for success. If you have these three things in place, you will build the business you deserve and reap the benefits of that success. The three pillars are mindset, skillset, and structure. All of these things tie into each other and can be proactively learned and achieved.

How To Become The Store Of Choice

How do independent brick-and-mortar retailers become the store of choice? It comes down to two things that I explain in this episode of Real Retail TV. You have to be a skilled retailer and you have to commit to creating a great customer experience. It’s all about doing the things that the big box stores can’t or won’t do.

Is Employee Loyalty Dead?

Is employee loyalty dead? Absolutely not. But just like customer loyalty, employee loyalty must also be earned. You have to make your employees feel valued and included. The labor market is much more fluid than it used to be. The best retailers will take this as an opportunity to level up their recruiting skills and build a deep bench.

Is Customer Loyalty Dead?

If you automatically assume customer loyalty you are going to wind up disappointed. It’s not up to your customers to be loyal, it is up to you to earn their loyalty. There are many things you can do to engender customer loyalty. Proactively build the relationship by providing an exceptional in-store experience, implementing a great loyalty program, and having customer-friendly policies.

The Future Of Your Retail Business

If you want to build a business that serves your life, now is the time to write a vision that will get you there. What do you really want from your business? How can you spend less time in your business and more time enjoying your life? A vision statement can become the roadmap to get you to the future you desire.

Should Retailers Charge Customers Credit Card Fees?

Should independent retailers be passing along these fees to their customers? The short answer is no. It’s your #1 competitive advantage to be able to provide an incredible in-store experience. And no matter how wonderful your sales staff is or how perfect your merchandise is, when a customer goes to pay and sees that they’re being charged a credit card fee, they’re going to feel like they’re being nickeled and dimed.

The Best Store Hours For Independent Retailers

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share what I believe to be the best store hours for independent retailers. The bottom line is, if you want to be competitive with the big box stores, you have to keep the same hours as they do. The goal is to make it as easy as possible for your customers to shop when they want to shop.

How One Powerful Question Can Drive Your Business Forward

In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll discover how one simple question can get your team more focused and move you closer to your goals. Here at WhizBang! Training, we teach W.W.M.C.W. (What Would My Customer Want?). When you ask yourself this before any customer interaction you can easily build a culture that creates customer loyalty.

A Main Street State Of Mind

Main Street isn’t a place, it’s a state of mind. Whether your store is in a quaint downtown, in a strip mall, or in the middle of nowhere, you can still be a “Main Street” merchant. The main street state of mind encompasses the power you hold as an independent retailer. It’s your creativity and your customer focus that drive local loyalty.

12 Traits Retailers Need To Stand Out In A Competitive Market

After 40+ years of experience in retail, I have identified 12 traits that make successful independent retailers. In order to become competitive in today’s market, store owners need to build a strong foundation with these characteristics.

How To Grow Your Retail Business

One mistake I see many retailers make is putting all of their efforts into new customer acquisition when in reality, the easiest way to grow your business is by increasing your average ticket. But beyond that, the big money really comes from getting your current customers to shop with you more often.

How AI Is Changing Retail

AI is revolutionizing retail! Indie retailers are already taking advantage of this technology to create more personalized customer experiences, streamline content creation and save time and resources for other tasks.

What’s Your Inflection Point?

You deserve to have success in your business. You deserve to have more fun in your business. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I implore you to take a look at what it will take to get you to the inflection point on that success curve.

3 Common Training Mistakes Store Owners Make

In this episode of Real Retail TV I share three of the most common and costly mistakes I see retail store owners and managers making when training their teams. As brick and mortar retailers your competitive advantage is your ability to give your customers a great experience, and that starts with training.

Quit Surviving, Start Thriving

Does your business make you feel overwhelmed? You deserve a business that gives you freedom! The key is team training. You can create a culture that allows you to get out of your store and gives you mind freedom, time freedom, physical freedom, and financial freedom.

Dramatically Decrease Employee Turnover

Is your team’s lackluster performance taking up too much space in your mind? The truth is that the end to your frustration with your employees depends on you. If you love your store and you want your employees to be loyal, then you owe it to them to build a training program that lays out the steps they need to be successful and take pride in their work.

Your #1 Competitive Advantage

Independent retailers have the ability to give their customers an experience that the big box stores can’t compete with. In order to provide a great experience you need to give your team the tools they need to execute it. If you’re serious about building a culture that creates customer and team loyalty then you’re going to need a rock-solid training program.

The Future Of Retail Leadership

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I explore the future of retail leadership. There has been a huge shift in the last few years. There is no longer room for store owners who think that just “showing up” is enough. As we talked about last week, expectations are up and loyalty is down. Customers expect a great experience. The key is to educate, engage, and empower your team.

3 Ways You Might Be Losing Customers

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I explore three reasons you might be losing customers. In the world of retail, expectations are up and loyalty is down. It’s important to create a smooth and easy shopping experience for your customers to keep them close and keep them coming back.

Stop Donation Frustration

When I owned the Mackinaw Kite Company, I was constantly getting donation requests. I knew that the requests were coming from good people working for a cause they believed in, but the sheer number of requests became overwhelming. That’s why Susan and I have created a group of strategies that we call WhizBang! Cause Marketing.

The Big Picture Of Retail Promotions

When you create a promotion, it’s important to think about the big picture. What is the purpose of the promotion? Is it to activate existing customers or get new customers? Are you working on building relationships and building your database? Or are you simply trying to generate cash and reduce inventory? When you start with your purpose in mind you will be much more effective and efficient.

The Foot Traffic Formula

In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll discover a system for proactively driving foot traffic into your store. Once you understand the formula you will be able to get more strategic with your marketing tactics.

The #1 Thing To Drive Success In 2023

In today’s episode of Real Retail TV, I share what I believe to be the most important thing to drive your success in 2023. What you think determines what you do. When you think the right things, you do the right things. That will lead you to get the results you deserve, and you deserve to have a fantastic year.

Retail Roadmap For 2023

Happy New Year retailers! You made it through yet another year of challenges and triumphs and I couldn’t be more excited for you. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I talk about my favorite, super-simple, planning process to help you get your goals accomplished in 2023.

Stress, Overwhelm, & Burnout… Oh My!

The holiday season is ripe for stress and overwhelm, especially for store owners so I would like to encourage you to shift your perspective. It’s easy to start comparing numbers to previous years and get discouraged. But what you need to realize is just how far you’ve come. You are playing the long game.

Sleep Easy This Holiday Season… Literally

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share some of my favorite hacks to get a good night’s rest. This is especially important during this busy season. Getting a good night’s sleep will have you ready to take on the holiday rush.

Keep Your Cool This Holiday

The holidays can be stressful! In this episode of Real Retail TV, I discuss some of my favorite techniques to use when you’re dealing with a difficult customer or having a frustrating day.

Want To Print Money?

To be able to “print money” you need to have an amazing marketing plan. When you’re building a great marketing plan, it’s not just about finding good ideas. You have to want to learn the mindset, skillset, and structure that it will take to get to that next level.

Fast & Easy Black Friday Promotions

Black Friday is just a few days away! In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share a few simple gift card promotion ideas that you can execute quickly, without a lot of extra work.

Your Real Retail Superpower

In this week’s Real Retail TV, I take a deeper dive into last week’s topic on change. Every time you make a decision to change, you are exhibiting courage. Taking these steps will not only expand your comfort zone but also boost your confidence.

A Simple Strategy To Get Different Results

Wishing for your business to grow isn’t enough. In order to get different, better results, you need to change. You have to change your habits and skills to learn how to get to the next level. It can sometimes feel unsettling to fall into a new routine, but it’s necessary to step up your game as a retailer.