This Episode:​ Precision = Performance

When you’re training your team, it’s important to be precise and use language that focuses on specific behaviors. This eliminates any room for misinterpretation. Your idea of cleaning a window might not match your employee’s, so it’s essential to be clear and not just instruct them on what to do, but how to do it.

By the way, you might notice that this isn’t our usual Real Retail TV set. I’m actually coming to you live from the set of our BIG LEAP virtual event happening on Leap Day from 12-3 PM Eastern. If you haven’t signed up yet, click the link below. We’re confident that the information we share in this event will help you increase your average sale by 10%! How many free events can offer you that kind of guarantee?

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Hey, it’s Bob Negen, and in this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to explore the idea of precision equals performance.

So before we get into precision equals performance, I would love to invite you to the Big Leap! The Big Leap is an event that’s happening on February 29th from twelve to three. And if you come and you play hard, you pay attention.

We are giving you a ten percent growth promise. What do I mean by that? I mean that if you come and play along, that you the information you are going to get can get you at least. And I do wanna say at least a ten percent growth. So I’d love to see you there. Please register down below. So having said that, let’s talk about precision equals performance.

So often when we build our training programs, and you do have a training program, right, We talk in the language of responsibility, and a responsibility is what to do. But if you want to get better performance, if you want your training to be, an education to be a lot more effective you need to train and educate in the language of behaviors.

A behavior is how to do it. So behavior is how to do it. Responsibility is what to do.

So let me give you an example. So if you tell somebody that they need to wash the windows as part of their opening checklist responsibilities.

They will go and wash the windows. There’s a problem with that. Right? If you ask a teenage boy to wash a window, They’re just gonna do it super quickly.

Right? They want to go fast. If you ask, you know, a grandmother, a very clean clean grandmother to wash a window. They want it to be so clean that a bird can fly into it.

Right? So the The responsibility is the same. Wash the windows. The result are wildly different.

And so that’s why when you train, you need to train in the language of behaviors.

So let’s take the responsibility wash a window and put it into the language of behaviors. Make it a lot more precise.

Wash the windows inside and out to the corners and the edges until there are no streaks and no smudges and then put the stuff away.

Do you see the difference in the result you’re going to get? So when you start to think about training your people, you want to make sure that you are expressing what you want in the language of behaviors.

Let me give you one more example to to illustrate this distinction.

Be on time. So you would think that be on time would be a behavior, but in actuality, it’s not. Beyond time is a responsibility.

It’s what to do. But as anybody who has run a store for any amount of time will tell you that responsibility often gets lost in translation.

It is not as precise. So what you say is beyond time, what your team member hears, hears, is I need to be clocked in. So if the shift starts at ten o’clock, what happens? They run-in and they get to the computer or the time clock or however you manage it. And then if it they push the button and it says nine fifty nine or ten o’clock. In their minds, they are on time.

Then they take the time to take off their coat and to go and, you know, look around the stockroom and chat with their friends. And blah blah blah blah blah, you know, they take some time before they actually get going. And then finally at about ten after ten, they wander out onto the floor.

Being on time in the language of responsibility, not very precise, not getting the performance. Now, make being on time in the language of behaviors.

You are on the floor ready to sell when your shift starts.

Do you see the distinction?

So now what happens rather than punch in on time and go and have a couple a coffee and, you know, do all the things that they do.

Now it means to them they punch in and they walk directly onto the floor. So if you start to think about this. If this is happening in your store, it has sure happened in my store. You’re losing five or ten minutes an employee a shift, that really starts to add up. So let’s go back to the key concept.

Precision equals performance. And when you train, when you educate your people in the language of behaviors, precise language, your performance that you’re going to get from those team members because they know exactly what to do goes way up.

So I hope that you found that tip, helpful and informative. If you have any questions or any examples that you can use, put please put them down in the comments below.

And finally, again, I want to, in encourage you to show up at the Big Leap, February 29, twelve to three eastern, ten percent. Sales increase guarantee.

I don’t know anywhere there is a free program that guarantees you a ten percent increase. So, hopefully, we’ll see you there at the Big Leap.