This Episode: How To Fire A Customer – Covid Edition
As you know, we are in the middle of a pandemic and we are probably on the verge of a horrible surge of the coronavirus. This surge will put tremendous pressure on everyone and it is important that we as people who deal with the public are understanding and compassionate. But, it is also really important that you take care of yourself, your mental state, your employees, and their mental states.
So, if you have customers that repeatedly treat you and your team poorly and influence you in a negative way, then this episode of Real Retail TV is for you!
I always love to hear from you so please let me know what you think about firing a customer in the comments section below.
Bob, As an online business with 10K active customers, we also have to “fire” one on occasion. I would warn folks to not let their emotional pleas sway your decision. When you tell someone you no longer want to do business, you may, in fact, be messing them up considerably. SO WHAT! It is not your fault! They created the situation, they must deal with the fallout themselves. I always say, don’t flame your existing supplier unless you already have a new one lined up. We do practice referring them to a competitor. I love love love that part of the exercise. With our client count, I suspect we fire only 3-4 accounts/year. My motto is this… I don’t give sh$t, I don’t take sh&t, I’m not in the sh%t business. When you realize that, life becomes easier.
Thanks for your comment!
Just fired a customer last week for this exact reason. Thank you for this!
Erin, You’re welcome! Bob
This is fabulous advice. I have 2 customers that make me so mad that I cry. Not acceptable. Thank you for this “out”.
So heart warming to see your handsome dogđ
Tucker appreciates your comment (:
Look for the middle ground so that both win. The Rotary Club has a 4 way test of the things we think and do. This is hard but I think a very good guide in dealing with any customer. Is it the TRUTH? Is it FAIR to all concerned? Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
In addition to the test, it is one of the times that I have to Shut up and Listen. Give the customer some venting time before you react. Listen and even take notes not to show them what they said but to make sure you know the problem.
When talking with the customer, repeat what you understand is the problem, give a solution, or ask the customer what would solve the problem. Your goal is to Solve the Problem and prevent it from happening again.
Thanks for your insight Larry.
Hey Bob
What about the old adage that âif you make a customer happy, he/she will tell 11 other people (good advertising) but if you make a customer unhappy, he/she will tell the same number of people who in turn will contribute to bad advertisement for your business (BAD ADVERTISINGâ
Yes we do have those customers but I,ve found I like their money more than I dislike them.
However, unlike your advice, if an incident gets too Bad, I unfortunately DO NOT GIVE MYSELF THE COOLING OFF PERIOD…..I just lose it there and then
No self control
Thanks for all the other advice over the years I,ve been following you……since your first keynote address to PAPER FIRST AFFILIATES at least 20odd years ago
Firing a customer is the course of last resort, but occasionally it needs to happen, consequences be damned.
PS How is Paper First Affiliates? Is Don Morgan still your director?