In this episode, join Bob in a man-on-the-street video shot in New York City with some live retail tips. In it, we discuss a really fun, interesting model for restaurants, and the lessons that you can take from that experience and apply to your retail business.
Want to be able to increase your retail store’s sales in a meaningful way? Discover four simple statistics that can give you big insights into all of the little things that are happening on your sales floor.
Theft and fraud are a reality. We just need to recognize it and be upfront about it. Sometimes it’s painful. But you are a business person and part of being a business person is dealing with reality the way that it is, and thinking critically.
Pricing is the low hanging fruit. When you can strategically price your goods, good things start to happen. In this video, discover one of the most commonly overlooked sources of sales increases, and higher profits: pricing.
Burn out is a very, very real problem for independent retailers. In this episode of Real Retail TV, you are going to learn five ways to banish it from your life forever.
If you ever get caught in the trap of feeling like you’re doing too many sales in your store, then this episode about retail promotions of Real Retail TV is for you.
In this episode, we’ll show you how to calculate the lifetime value of a retail customer step by step. This concept can change everything about how you think of marketing.
In this episode of Real Retail TV, learn about what could be considered as one of the most important lessons of all time in business.
If you’re a retail store owner, people skills are a must-have. In this episode, discover exactly why your retail employees don’t do what you want them to do, and what YOU can do about it.
In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about time vampires and how they are sucking away your time and your focus…and how you can change that.