Dealing With Those Pesky Donation Requests

Dealing With Those Pesky Donation Requests

When I had my retail business, the sheer quantity of donation requests absolutely drove me crazy. I mean, it wasn’t just my local organizations that wanted money or donated merchandise, I found that I was getting requests from organizations 30, 40, 50 miles away that I didn’t even know. So, if those pesky donation requests are driving you crazy, then this episode of Real Retail TV is for you.

Don’t Make This Huge Mistake With Social Media

Don’t Make This Huge Mistake With Social Media

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I’m going to talk to you about a huge mistake a lot of people make with their social media marketing. You spend a lot of time, energy, and money on building your social media communities and it is so important to turn those relationships into contact information.

How To Prepare For The Post-Pandemic Future

How To Prepare For The Post-Pandemic Future

The end of the pandemic is in sight! For most independent brick and mortar retailers, when this pandemic ends, sales are going to explode and there are going to be more opportunities for you than ever had before. So, in this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll discover how you can prepare for the post-pandemic future!

How To Successfully Navigate Minimum Wage Increases

How To Successfully Navigate Minimum Wage Increases

The upcoming minimum wage increases are causing a lot of consternation on the part of many independent retailers. In our WhizBang! Retailers Facebook group, someone asked, “What are you going to do about it?” There were over 200 comments, which means it’s a topic that needs to be addressed. So, in this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to talk about how to think about the wage increases and even more importantly, what you can do about it.

How To Get Off The Hamster Wheel

How To Get Off The Hamster Wheel

Do you sometimes feel like a hamster on a wheel who is running, running, running, and can’t get off? Or maybe like a juggler with too many balls in the air? This episode of Real Retail TV will teach you how to solve your big problems once and for all!

The Acceleration of Retail – Prediction For 2021

The Acceleration of Retail – Prediction For 2021

This episode of Real Retail TV, shares predictions for retail in 2021. It goes without saying that 2020 was an interesting year and 2021 will prove to be one also. Trends that we saw forming in 2019 will only accelerate in 2021. Watch now to discover what those trends are and what they mean for you.

Planning and Goal Setting For 2021 – It’s Going To Be Tricky

Planning and Goal Setting For 2021 – It’s Going To Be Tricky

You don’t need to be told that planning and goal setting for 2021 is going to more difficult than it’s ever been. Today’s Real Retail TV will explore the idea of moving away from setting the traditional financial goals and focusing instead on process goals.

The Right Way To Handle Complaints & Difficult Customers

The Right Way To Handle Complaints & Difficult Customers

You’ve heard the old saying, “The customer is always right.” But, if you have been in retail for any amount of time, then you also know that really the customer is not always right, but the customer is always the customer. Today, we’re going to explore a counterintuitive way to deal with customer complaints and difficult customers.

Why You Should Love Holiday Returns

Why You Should Love Holiday Returns

If you’re a brick and mortar retailer, you’ve got to love holiday returns. In this episode of Real Retail TV, you’ll learn 3 reasons why.