Marking Down Merchandise

Marking Down Merchandise

Marking down merchandise is just a fact of doing business. Here are merchandise management tips so you can learn how to take markdowns wisely and minimize their impact on your retail store.

Christmas Promotion Idea

Christmas Promotion Idea

Looking for a sure-fire winner of a promotion for this holiday season? Have a “12 Days of Christmas” sale! This easy and fun Christmas promotion idea is a great way to stay in front of your customers during the last couple of weeks in that all-important shopping season.

Retail Promotions

Retail Promotions

Here are 15 ways to make your stores retail promotions more profitable and more fun. Learn how to make your retail promotions more profitable. 

Store Music

Store Music

Store music can set a great mood in your store but done incorrectly it can be disastrous. Make sure your store music is done right.

Customer Friendly Policies

Customer Friendly Policies

Customer friendly policies in your store is the key to having customers come back. Give your customers a great experience with customer friendly policies.

Use A Merchandising Matrix

Use A Merchandising Matrix

Learn a simple technique for finding “holes” in your assortment – places where you are missing merchandise that you should have in your store with the WhizBang! assortment plan video.

Retail Staff Communication

Retail Staff Communication

Your retail staff communication requires some tools to be effective.  Put these tools into place for clear concise communication in your store.

Open To Buy Planning

Open To Buy Planning

The right amount of the right stuff at the right time is the key to retail store profitability. Learn what Open To Buy Planning is and why you need it.