Big Disruption = Big Opportunity

Big Disruption = Big Opportunity

You’ve probably heard me say that there has never been a better time to be an independent retailer. After the lockdowns of 2020 you saw an outpouring of love from your communities like never before. That disruption has opened up an incredible opportunity for independent retailers. Don’t miss out on this moment in history!

The Truth About Creating A Great Culture

The Truth About Creating A Great Culture

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share one of the biggest takeaways from our recent Platinum Mastermind Group meeting. The truth is, there is no silver bullet to creating a great culture. It’s all of the little things that add up over time that create the team and ultimately, the lifestyle you want.

You Don’t Have To Discount!

You Don’t Have To Discount!

With the holiday season quickly approaching, it’s important to recognize that you do not have to have storewide discounts associated with your promotions. The best retailers have a robust calendar of promotions and events that don’t include markdowns.

Selling = Great Customer Service

Selling = Great Customer Service

One lesson you need to learn as a retailer is that selling isn’t sleazy. In fact, when done correctly, selling is just another form of great customer service. When you’re interacting with your customers, the end goal should always be to get them to the perfect purchase. Getting them to that purchase may even require adding on more items to ensure they leave with everything they need to feel satisfied. Becoming a great salesperson doesn’t happen overnight, it’s a skill that requires training and practice.

Your Value Is Not Determined By Your Business

Your Value Is Not Determined By Your Business

This is one of the most important lessons you can learn as an entrepreneur. You are not your business. The success of your business does not determine your value. It’s important to remember that there are so many other parts of you that make up who you are as a person.

The Ultimate Holiday Bounce Back

The Ultimate Holiday Bounce Back

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share one of the best ways to get your holiday shoppers coming back long after the season is over. The opportunity to turn casual shoppers into lifelong customers is huge and Blizzard Bucks makes it far less challenging. This is a great way to grow your business by increasing your number of transactions per customer.

Your Holiday Mindset

Your Holiday Mindset

In the tricky world we live in, your beliefs and your thoughts surrounding your retail business are not to be overlooked. If you think the right way and do the right things, the success of your store is imminent.

6 Ways To Build Your Margins This Holiday Season

6 Ways To Build Your Margins This Holiday Season

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I share some of my favorite ways to build your margins for the holidays. Often retailers focus on building sales alone without giving much thought to margins. The holiday season is a great time to not only boost your sales but build your margins as well.

The Importance Of Building A Deep Bench This Holiday Season

The Importance Of Building A Deep Bench This Holiday Season

Competition for independent retailers is getting tougher every day. Your #1 competitive advantage is providing a great experience for your customers. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I go over the importance of building your bench, aka, recruiting skillfully, and training your staff to sell so that you’re prepared when the holiday season arrives.

You MUST Take Time Off!

You MUST Take Time Off!

As a business owner, you need to take care of yourself first. If you’re neglecting your own needs, your store will ultimately suffer. This means taking time off to relax, reset, and think about the ultimate vision you have for your business by getting out of the day-to-day tasks