Quick & Easy Holiday Sales Training

Quick & Easy Holiday Sales Training

In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re going to explore a quick and easy sales training program for your team this holiday season. Having no sales training at all leads to leaving lots and lots and lots of money on the table in lost sales. So, here are 3 things you can do right now to get started.

2024 Holiday Forecast

2024 Holiday Forecast

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I will share with you my official forecast for the 2024 holiday season and, of course, pass on a couple of tips to help you make it the best it can be.

3 Ways You’re Losing Customers

3 Ways You’re Losing Customers

In this episode of Real Retail TV, I explore three reasons you might be losing customers. In retail, expectations are up and loyalty is down. It’s important to create a smooth and easy shopping experience for your customers to keep them close and coming back.

My Conversation With A Successful Store Owner

My Conversation With A Successful Store Owner

In this episode of Real Retail TV, we’re changing things up a bit. It’s a slightly longer interview format but I guarantee that if you watch it, you will walk away with ideas you can use in your business.

Maximize Your Margins – 4 Ways To Make More Money

Maximize Your Margins – 4 Ways To Make More Money

As an independent retailer, being savvy about maintaining, and increasing your margins is a critical part of running your business. In this episode, you’ll discover four strategies to make more money by significantly increasing your margins.

The Horrible Hot Sauce Conundrum

The Horrible Hot Sauce Conundrum

Recently I went to the grocery store and decided to try a new hot sauce. I brought it home and it was horrible! So here’s my conundrum… What do you do with the things in your life that are no longer serving you? Do you leave them to take up space or clear them out to make room for something new?

What’s Your Inflection Point?

What’s Your Inflection Point?

You deserve to have success in your business. You deserve to have more fun in your business. In this episode of Real Retail TV, I implore you to take a look at what it will take to get you to the inflection point on that success curve.

Expand: New Opportunities For Independent Retailers

Expand: New Opportunities For Independent Retailers

For this week’s episode of Real Retail TV, we’re excited to be sharing a clip from the keynote address from the 2022 Retail Success Summit. In it, you’ll discover the opportunities available today for independent retailers like you. All you have to do is go out and take advantage of them!  

WhizBang! Cause Marketing

WhizBang! Cause Marketing

If you want to get your local non-profit organizations enthusiastically sending their members and supporters into your store then this episode of Real Retail TV is for you.