This Episode: 3 Pillars Of Retail Success
After 40+ years working in the independent retail space, I believe these three pillars are necessary for success. If you have these three things in place, you will build the business you deserve and reap the benefits of that success. The three pillars are mindset, skillset, and structure. All of these things tie into each other and can be proactively learned and achieved.
Do you agree with me? Disagree? I would love to hear from you in the comments.
The idea of creating mental space is exciting for me. It’s true. When you conquer problems with structure, by using the tools of technology and analysis, the excitement of being an entrepreneur returns. I love a good mental challenge. When the challenge is dealing with the same problem over and over again, that becomes boring. But discovering new ways to brighten your business and engage with the community and your customers, that makes me want to get up and go every day. Spiraling up. Thanks for an inspiring summit. I took away plenty of encouragement, confidence and tools. I appreciate you sharing your experiences and success.
You’re so welcome, Lori! Thanks for the comment!
This was so good Bob! I’ve heard it before, but it hit me differently this time. I’ve been working hard on mindset and skill set the last few years. I am seeing growth from it. The structure is a challenge for me, even with the best tools. It helps to have the right people around you to help put it in place. I’m working on that “who not how”. Great talk! Thank you!
Always love hearing from you, Tammy. You’re welcome!
It took a very long time for me to see problems as opportunities. I heard a successful owner once say “you got a business, you got problems.” Originally I thought that was a bad thing, now I realize it’s not. They’re opportunities for me to learn, build and grow myself. Thanks Bob!
Way to make that mind shift! Thanks for the comment!
Good advice. Mindset is different for different people. One person thinks of the big picture taking one path and another thinks it is the wrong path and they want to take their path. Changing minds can be very difficult.
Skills can be taught. Over time and with supervision and instructions the a large percentage of the need skills can be developed.
Structure is easy to create but hard to put into use. I have observed very creative people who had very little structure. It is hard for them Ito put creative ideas in a structure. They just do not think structure. For success the owner(manager) must merge creativity and structure while keeping both intact. This merge is like a stone path made of black and white stones. When walking down the path you see both black and white stones, sometimes more back, some time move white, and sometime a mixture.
Yes, the structure is the hardest part for the creatives (me) to implement. We want it, believe in it, create it, and need a black and white thinker to help us put it in place.
Thanks for sharing your insight, Larry.