
Want to see more videos like this about Marketing and access all the fantastic tactical information in the other modules available in the Retail Mastery System?


Welcome To Marketing

The Big Picture

The WhizBang! Marketing System

The Marketer’s Mindset

The Customer Focused Marketing Strategy

What Business Are You In?

Leverage: The Key To Marketing Smarter!

The 3 Ways To Grow Your Business

Get New Customers

Get New Customers – 4 Key Concepts

Give Gift Certificates

6 Ways To Give Away Gift Certificates

Endorsed Mailing

Cause Marketing

Other Ways To Get New Customers

Increase Your Average Sale 

8 Ways To Increase Your Average Sale

More Transactions Per Customer

More Transactions Per Customer

Moments Of Truth

Build Your Customer Relationships

Your Most Valuable Asset

Loyalty Programs

The 6-Box Program

Events & Promotions

Promotions & Special Events

Promotions: The Big Picture

Types Of Promotions & Special Events

Ideas For Sales

Ideas For Item Specials

Ideas For Off Site Promotions

Ideas For Value Added Events

Ideas For Cause Marketing

Lots More Event Ideas!

You Can Make It Happen!


Welcome To Marketing

The Big Picture

The WhizBang! Marketing System

The Marketer’s Mindset

The Customer Focused Marketing Strategy

What Business Are You In?

Leverage: The Key To Marketing Smarter!

The 3 Ways To Grow Your Business

Get New Customers

Get New Customers – 4 Key Concepts

Give Gift Certificates

6 Ways To Give Away Gift Certificates

Endorsed Mailing

Cause Marketing

Other Ways To Get New Customers

Increase Your Average Sale 

8 Ways To Increase Your Average Sale

More Transactions Per Customer

More Transactions Per Customer

Moments Of Truth

Build Your Customer Relationships

Your Most Valuable Asset

Loyalty Programs

The 6-Box Program

Events & Promotions

Promotions & Special Events

Promotions: The Big Picture

Types Of Promotions & Special Events

Ideas For Sales

Ideas For Item Specials

Ideas For Off Site Promotions

Ideas For Value Added Events

Ideas For Cause Marketing

Lots More Event Ideas!

You Can Make It Happen!


The Big Picture 

Leverage The Key To Marketing Smarter

Lifetime Value Of A Customer Worksheet

Marketing Plan Overview

My Elevator Speech

People Should Shop With Us Because

What Business Are You In?

Get New Customers

Budget Worksheet Direct Mail

Budget Worksheet Referrals

Checklist For Asking For Referrals

Endorsed Mailing Letter Template

Gift Certificate Redemption Tracking Form

Sample Letter 1

Sample Letter 2

Sample Letter To New Parents

Sample Letter To Possible Partners

Sample Tracking Form — Endorsed Mailing Multiple Partners

Sample Tracking Form — Endorsed Mailing

What Charity Can I Partner With?

Who Can I Partner With?

Increase Your Average Sale 

Exercise — Add On

Exercise — Wow Our Customer

More Transactions Per Customer

Format For Thank You Note

Sample Application — Thank You Program

Sample Application — Healthy Living

Sample Instructions To Employees

Sample Letter — Cool Thing

Sample Welcome Letter

Worksheet For Frequent Buyer Program

Events & Promotions

Promotion Budget Worksheet

Promotion Checklist

Promotion Planner

Promotion Recap

Paint The Town Pink Case Study